Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Uses of the cane toad

Attempts have been made to make use of dead cane toads, which can number in the thousands and cause hygiene problems. This includes processing the carcasses into liquid fertilisers.
Bufotenine toxin produced by Bufo marinus is used as an aphrodisiac and hair-restorer in Japan.
In mainland China it is used to lower the heart rate of patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
The toxin is used by South American Indians on hunting arrows. The toxin is sometimes used as a narcotic by some tribes.
Cane toads were used for pregnancy testing in humans. A woman's urine was injected subcutaneously into the lymph glands of a male toad, resulting in spermatazoa becoming present in the toad's urine if the woman was pregnant.
Their skin can also be made into leather, which has spawned a humourous range of novelty toad goods (left).

Here are some more examples of cane toad leather...
Cane toad leather caps

NSW artist Linelle Stepto uses cane toad leather in her art

(Adapted from the Global Invasive Species Database; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cane_toad; http://toadfactory.com/)

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